Young Carers Action Day 2023: Brilliant new resource for education settings

It's Young Carers Action Day on 15th March and, this year, we’ve got a great new resource to help YOU to help young carers!

Young Carers Action Day is an annual event to raise awareness of young carers in the country. This year's theme is 'make time for young carers' and, to help schools and colleges do this, young people from Young Carers National Voice (YCNV) have co-produced a brilliant new resource for education settings.

The group decided on this because, with lots of extras pressures at home, one of the things that can be hard is doing their best in education.

Also, to help ensure schools are identifying young carers, from January 2023, schools now have to declare their young carers on the schools census. Some education settings might not know how to support young carers though, once they have identified them.

That’s why, this year, YCNV decided to create a resource of things that have really helped them, to give education staff simple ideas for how they can help young carers in their setting.

So, this Young Carers Action Day, if you work in education,  will you support young carers by:  

  • Doing one of the examples from this resource with young carers in your school/college?

  • Discussing the resource with the teachers and staff?

  • Displaying the resource in your staff room, so everyone in your setting can get inspired and help young carers?

If you don’t work in education, you can still help too. Please share the resource with your contacts and on social media.

Thanks so much to all the young people who created this resource - from content, to design, to all the communications that goes with it. We hope lots of people use it to take action today!

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference! #YoungCarersActionDay

Here are the Young Carers National Voice 2023 Education Campaign Resources:


  • An information sheet for young carers in YCNV who want to talk to their school or college about this resource.*

  • A template email if young carers want to email their school or college about this resource:*

  • A template email if young carers services want to share this with their local schools/colleges:

  • Some example social media posts to help you share this resource

*Young carers who haven’t been in YCNV could also adapt/use parts of these if they want to take the resource to their school/college too.
IMPORTANT: Please reassure young people there is no pressure for them to contact their school or college about this, unless they want to. These resources are just to help those who feel comfortable, confident and keen to do so. 

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